We help you with every step in your property transformation.
Get a beautiful, reliable and functional garden that will extend your home to the outdoors and bring nature to your home.
Our mission: to connect people with nature and people with people by bringing nature home.
We build excitement, positivity, motivation and connectivity with family, community, friends, and with our own peace by changing our outdoor experience throughout the Niagara region.
While our relatively long growing season allows for a wide and diverse possibility of plant materials, it can be overwhelming to choose the plants that work best for our gardens. Our growing season extends longer than most of the country but also experiences many changes within a season. Our goal is to remove confusion and overwhelm in favour of clarity and organization. We look forward to sharing with you all we know and guide and support you along your own garden journey.
We are passionate about gardens and we know very well the profound contribution they provide on so many levels because we live it in our every day.
Gardens are meant to reduce stress, not cause it, so let us provide you a stress-free garden set up while you kick back, watch your plants grow, and enjoy the transformation of your space.